Sunday, July 7, 2013

Writer's Block

I think that every writer will go through writer’s block at some point or another. I believe I am suffering from it right now. As I type this, my family is arguing in the living room while the Reds game is on, which can be quite a distraction.

The problem with writer’s block when you are freelance writing for a living, is that if you don’t make a hundred and eighty bucks by next Friday, they aren’t really going to understand or give a shit if you just didn’t feel like writing anything for the previous week.

How I am trying to get around my writers block is to write something for this blog. It isn’t work for hire, and I really don’t make any money of note from it, so it doesn’t really matter if it is low quality work. I think it is working, because as I type this the words I need to put down are flowing through me.

I think this is enough for now, I need to get back to work.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Writing Fiction

I write SEO articles for a living. I can’t say that it is extremely lucrative, but I do enjoy what I do, and I am very good at it.

I have also tried my hand at writing fiction. Writing fiction is more fun than writing fact based articles, but thus far I have not found a venue that I am comfortable with, nor have I found a way to be compensated for my work as well as I am compensated for writing SEO articles. It isn’t that my fiction writing skills are not good, it is just that I am afraid to put so much time into something that might not make me what I need to survive.

I have talked to many writers, and read many interviews with writers that say once a story gets moving, it takes off on a life of it’s own. It is almost as if the writer is “channeling” the story.

I agree with Alan Moore that writing is a form of magic. When a writer creates a world for the reader from nothing more than his imagination, there is no other explanation besides magic. Do not forget that a fictional work can effect the real world in wonderful ways. Even the fact that you are reading this is a testament to the works of science fiction writers of the past.

But I like to eat every day, and my baby needs a new pair of shoes, so I write SEO articles for a living. However, as I keep writing I will be looking for ways to expand my craft, so perhaps one day you may read a work of fiction with my name underneath the title.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Make Money Online From the Comfort of Your Home

I started this blog about 5 years ago, because I needed to find a way to make money online. While I thought that the people who wrote blogs made more money online than the people who followed their advice, at first I did find a couple of ways to make money online. I found a company that supplied an item that I could buy, and I could sell it online at a much higher price. This process was time consuming, and I was burned more than once. Often, I wouldn’t make much money by selling the item, and I would have to scramble to cover the shipping costs.

Being a fairly intelligent individual, I found that I could make money online by writing. While I did make some money doing this, it wasn’t very cost effective. I would spend a lot of time researching an SEO article, writing it, and then getting paid a pittance. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make a living.

I eventually went back to commissioned sales away from the home. This lasted about 3 years, and I once again found myself unemployed. While I drew unemployment, I kept searching for ways to make money online. I found that I could write comedy articles for sites like Listverse and Cracked, and they would pay me a 100 dollars per article. I did end up getting one article accepted and published, and ten other articles that I pitched ended up on the cutting room floor. I couldn’t make a living doing this.

Meanwhile, are illustrious leaders in the congress decided that they were paying out too much money for unemployment benefits, and I had my checks cut by a third. Fueled by desperation, I finally found a way to make a living online.

I write short, SEO articles for three bucks a pop. It doesn’t seem like a lot of money, but I can crank out an article in about 10 minutes. With the distractions of working from home, I make about 300 bucks a week. It isn’t a lot of money, but I don’t have to put up with the favoritism you will find in any place of employment, and I am saving money on gas and lunches. It took me a lot of searching on and off for about 5 years, but I am finally making a living from home. Now, I just need to increase the three hundred dollars per month, and I will let you all know how it turns out.

BTW, if you want to rent this blog, or hire me to write something for you, drop me a line.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Making Money as a Freelance Writer

I'm sorry it's been a month since I updated this blog. I've been busy writing. I took my first payout three weeks ago, it was for 100 bucks. since then, i've made close to a hundred bucks per week just doing part time freelance. I know it's not enough to pay all the bills, but it's one heck of a good start towards what I want to do, which is to quit the 9 to 5 rat race.

I know there will be small challenges, i'm facing one right now, but with perserverence, you really can make money out of nothing online. It's really true! I can hardly believe it myself.

Monday, November 17, 2008

You Really Can Make Money Online!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in here for the last week. A lot has happened. I made my first bit of money online since starting this blog, about $45 bucks. A forum posting site was a little late with my payment, but they did pay. Also, I was introduced to something called "content writing". You write articles for various clients on a variety of subjects, and they pay you money!

Forty five dollars is what I have been paid, but I have about sixty five more coming my way as of right now. I know it's not enough to make a living from, but it's a positve step towards that goal! I'm really excited.

I did have to take a wage paying job, but as my writing income keeps growing, I think this will be temporary.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

How much money can you make online?

It's been about a week since I posted in here, and I wanted to give an update.

The site where I was supposed to get paid per post, for posting on message boards hasn't paid me yet. I've made about 35 bucks there.

On EBay, I don't have anything worth listing there.

The site I joined where I get paid to post ads on my other blog is going well. I've made $8.50 for one post, but it's been hard to find posts I qualify for. I won't get paid the $8.50 for about a month.

The paid to review site was a washout for me, they don't want to pay more than 40 cents per movie review, and they are worth more than that to me. I've made about $6.80 there, but I'll never see it because it's a $50 payout.

So, I should have about 43 bucks coming to me, but I haven't got it yet. I've found that making money online is not an overnight thing, it's something you have to work at.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Get Paid to Write Posts About Products on Your Blog?

I joined a site that says I can get paid to write about products on my blog. How it works is, companies put in an order for posts, and if you are a member of the club you can go to a listing of orders.

Here's the drawbacks. The higher rated blogs make the most money. Google has a Ranking system going from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. The lower your blog ranks, the less money you will make. Also, your blog needs to have been around 90 days and have 30 posts. Once you submit your blog for approval, it takes them about 30 days to give you a yes or no. Accounts are paid VIA paypal, and I don't know what the minimum payout is.

I am currently waiting for my blog to be approved, and if this site is legit I think I can make about 35 bucks a week with a #2 ranked blog.

As I said before, this site is to track my progress making money online, and two weeks later I don't have a dime from it. I don't think the whole idea is bogus, but it's definitely not instantaneous.