Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Get Paid to Write? Rough First Week

When you lose your job, most folks go on unemployment to help with stuff until they can find another one. When the unemployment runs out, they dip into the savings to mostly buy gas in order to find employment. What happens after that? Well, things start getting shut off. I lost my cable last week, Internet services may be soon to follow.

I have joined a couple of money for post/review sites, but one seems to pay only when they feel like it, and the other one I'm not sure about, so I will have to withhold judgement.

I did find a blog site that has been helpful and honest, and I have linked it to the right. Am I going to make it? I don't know, I started this blog to document my progress, and so far I've made a little headway, but I still haven't made anything.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Paid Forum Posting

I saw an ad for paid forum posting, so I thought I would give it a shot. I've been posting on message boards for years, and I have always found it fun. For those of you who don't know what paid forum posting is, companies will often have a forum (Message Board) attached to a main site they are trying to drive traffic to. When there is slow posting, they will contract a company to provide quality posts.

So there I was, posting away on boards where I sometimes knew nothing about the subject of the forum, and for the most part, having a good time at it except when my com would sometimes freeze. The compainies pay anywhere between 10 to 15 cents per post. 100 posts per day was pretty reasonable, it amounts to about 12 bucks a day. the problem is, when it came time for me to get paid, no payment came. From talking with the other "employees", I found that the site does pay, but sometimes they are late. When you are desperate and starving, this really sucks.

I won't use the name of the company, lest they see this post and decide not to pay me after all. Is paid forum posting worth the time? I'll just say the jury is still out on this one.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Find E-Bay Inventory Cheap and re-sell for Huge Profits!

Ok, So I will tell you the truth. While I was doing research for how to make money online I noticed something. The gurus who teach you how to make money online seem to have made their money by teaching you how to make money. I didn't know how to make the big money, but I got an idea. If I were to start a blog about how to make money online, then I would soon find myself swimming in money! One problem though, I haven't really made any money. I've made some mind you, I've turned some good profits on E-Bay but not enough to live off of.

Try this experiment. Whatever you are interested in on E-Bay, intentionally misspell the word in it's search engine. For example, if you are interested in baseball cards, type in baseball cars. You might find a rare gem that you can buy for a reasonable price and sell for a big profit.

If anyone out there would like to hire me, I am available. If there are any Internet money gurus reading this who think they can turn me into a success story and profile me on their site, then post here and I will consider it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How do you do it? How do you make money online?

I posted this at my last blog, right before creating this one. It is intended to be humorous.

Make Money Online!

By buying my course! LOL! Just kidding. Being an American, and also being unemployed with the unemployment compensation run dry, I have been pounding the pavement looking for work. What I have found was that even the mid level paying jobs, jobs I used to be able to just walk in and get are now a bit harder to get into. I could go back to car sales, but I am retired from that life and I really don't want to do that anymore. Being desperate, I looked into some programs where you can make money online.

I once had a grand plan to just make money from E-bay. Being a car salesman, I had resources where I could get auto manuals cheap and re sell them online, for sometimes double what I had paid for them. I would keep taking that income and re-invest it until I was making enough money to quit my job. It was a good plan, but it didn't work. Something would always come up where I needed to "borrow" from my E-bay fund, or I would buy a manual that wouldn't sell for some reason. I even looked into the "drop shipping", but it is a complete waste of time. What if you sell an item you don't have, then when you order it it's out of stock? You can't run an E-bay business that way. I'm sure there are folks who make good money from E-bay, but it's hard to start from scratch, because if don't have the inventory, you can't sell it for a profit.

So then I looked into being a paid blogger. This week, I applied to get paid for my writing, and i have yet to hear back from the company I applied with. (Wish me Luck) I had to submit a test article on a subject I knew little about, but what the heck, it ws worth a shot. LOL! I'll let you know how it turns out.

I also became a paid forum poster. Companies often have forums with their websites, and they will pay people to post on them to get traffic driven to the main site. Imagine trying to make 15 posts a day on a certain type of laundry detergent. Now that takes some creative writing! Most places pay 10 to 15 cents per post, and trying to come up with only 100 posts per day can be a daunting task, although there is no minimum requirement. Still, when you don't have anything, 100 bucks a week beats a poke in the eye with a stick.

So......I am starting a new blog about making money online, but without selling a course, just telling the truth. If you don't know what you are doing you can make a few bucks, but still fall below the poverty line. It could also serve as a beacon for all the money gurus out there to come in and give me a few tips. Couldn't hurt. And maybe this blog can be a diary of my journey from pauper to prince. Stay tuned and we will take the journey together.